Return value which may be set to false if a catastrophic error is encountered which prevents release of the resource 返回值,如果遇到阻止资源释放的灾难性错误,该值会被设置为
In most cases these steps should lead to corrective action long before a catastrophic error has occurred 在大多数案件中,在致命错误出现的很早之前,这些控制步骤就应该进行矫正性的行动了。
You want to ensure that changes in a binary do not destabilize the general build or cause catastrophic errors in functionality 要确保二进制文件中的更改不会破坏常规版本的稳定性,也不会导致功能中出现严重错误。
If a catastrophic error occurs , automatic restart management will take charge starting elements based on the active automatic restart policy that is in effect at this time 如果发生致命错误,自动重启管理将会根据当前起作用的自动重启规则管理启动元素。
However collapse of grid and power failure in large area happened in the world sometimes . and the failures prove that a much too huge and complex grid will show some unexpected vulnerability characteristic . any fault will incur some catastrophic error 但是电网瓦解和大面积停电事故目前在世界上还时有发生,同时这些停电事故也再次提醒人们一个事实:过于庞大和复杂的网络,难免会呈现出某些难以预料的脆弱特性。